Today I want to let you in on a secret.
YOU are the secret!
The ingredient that transforms ordinary into unique is not outside you, it’s in you and is you!
Don’t miss this.
Let’s make truth personal (because it is).
“For YOU are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that YOU should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)
The more comfortable and confident you become with being yourself, the more powerful your testimony.
Showing up is half the battle won. Stepping out and treading on your insecurities is all part of the creative life and journey.
When you step out, God steps in
And with each step, fumble, falter, win and triumph, you grow.
So what if no one reads your blog post? The important thing is you write it.
Your book not selling like gangbusters? No sweat. The important thing is you published it.
Your podcast broadcasting to an audience of one? Keep speaking, sister!
Detach your sense of self-worth from outcomes and keep going. Keep writing, keep recording, keep showing up.
As you continue you inch closer and closer to the essence of who you are. This walk is not an easy one, no one ever said it would be. It’s vulnerable, exposing, sometimes embarrassing, and prods every hole in your soul you can think of.
And that’s precisely why it’s important. Those holes are the entry points for healing if you allow it.
The creative life exposes our woundedness, our worldliness, but also our wonder!
The creative journey is one of discovery.
And the greatest discovery you’ll ever make is YOURSELF!