You have two choices today. Multiply your efforts or multiply your excuses. Generally, you will do one or the other.
Despite what the marketers might like to tell you, real results take real work, and making a dent in the world with your creativity takes work, sometimes a lot of it.
There are a million reasons, “why not”, but an even bigger reason why you MUST!
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You have two choices today, you can either multiply your efforts or multiply your excuses. Generally, we’re going to do one or the other, you know, despite what marketers might like to tell you, real results generally. I mean, I’m sure there are a few exceptions, but they do take real work. And, you know, when you set out to make a dent in the world with your creativity, it does take a lot of work. Sometimes it takes a lot of focus.
It takes a great deal of grit to move through some of the discouragement that will inevitably hit you along the way. And really, honestly, there are a million reasons why we might tell ourselves why not why we shouldn’t step forward. You know, there are thousands more that tell us why we cannot be one of the few that other people are more exceptional that we are than we are more talented than we are more favoured than we are. You know, there’s that whole well, it’s all right for him because or but the thing is, she’s got has did is and I’m not thing going on.
And then add to that a boatload of buts, ifs and whens and then mix in a few maybes and morrows or I’ll do it tomorrow or I’ll do it next week or next year or whenever that may be that kind of illusionary time in the future when suddenly everything is going to change it. It really is a miracle that we ever get anything done and none of us are immune to execute excuse itis. You know, this there’s like disease that prevents people stepping out because action taking I mean, all joking aside, action taking does come with its own special brand of danger and challenge.
And, you know, there are so many reasons that people just don’t you know, they don’t step out. They don’t take a chance. They don’t take a risk. They don’t face their fears. They don’t kind of stand up, step out and just put themselves out where they can face criticism. And I was thinking about why this might be. And of course, there are many different reasons. But I think one of the biggest is the fact that any time that we choose to take action, there is uncertainty.
There’s always going to be uncertainty when we take decisive action in our where the questions come. Well, will it work? What if it doesn’t? What will I look like if what will people think? What will people say? What will happen? And, you know, all of those can really stop us in our tracks. That uncertainty. And, you know, in the world of wise, the reasons we do or don’t act depends where the weight of our fear really weighs.
You know, we can be we can be fearful of what will happen if we take action, if we take a risk, if we step out. But I’ve learnt that there is a much greater, more significant fear. That is probably a good thing if it takes a hold of our heart. And it’s the fear of, well, what if I don’t what if I don’t step out? You know what? What if I don’t take action? That to me is a much, much heavier question than what will happen if I do.
You know, my ego might be very concerned about the outcome of something. You know, what if what if I step out and it fails? But, you know, because obviously, if I do, there is that degree of uncertainty there. And there is certainly a great deal more security in the oddest sense of the word in just staying the same, in not shaking the apple tree, in not taking action, in not upsetting the cart, in not taking a chance.
There’s great certainty. And that and the certainty is nothing will change if nothing changes. But that to me, that to me is a certainly a far more frightening thought then kind of getting my ego a bit bruised in. My attempts to move forward and make a difference and, you know, again, I don’t really don’t want to minimise that these things are so real, these feelings are so real, and they can just stop us in our tracks and really rob the world of so much goodness.
And you know that. But the other side of the uncertainty coin, the other side of that uncertain coin is what if it does work? What if when I do this, I get the breakthrough that I’ve been looking for? What if this action what if this course of action that I choose to take becomes the foundation upon which I build a brand new life and and a broader existence and more impactful walk on the planet? All of those things are also in the uncertainty bowl.
You know, sometimes we can lean to the negative and be concerned about, you know, what the bad things or the like. Most of the time, it’s not so bad. You know, we can we will survive whatever bruising we may take in the in the journey. But a lot of times we fail to think about, man, what could happen if I choose to take this chance? What could happen in the positive sense if I do step out on this idea, what could happen if I do choose to make a change and really said the question comes like at the end of the day and I say, you know, preferably at the beginning of it, you know, not at the end.
Don’t wait until the end, you know, make a decision today. There are despite all of the reasons against taking action, all of them very, very well thought out and logical and reasonable. But at the end of the day, even with all of those things piled up, you still have a choice. Will you do what is in your heart or not? You know, will you take a chance and have a go or will you just continue doing what you’ve always done?
You know, will you wait for another day snowed under excuses, or will this be the moment? Will this be the time that you make your move? You know, let’s let’s not wait until let’s not sit around wondering what if just just go just do it do it badly at first, which is usually the the way it actually plays out, do it badly at first, if that’s what’s necessary, and then get better as you go. You know, those dreams and the ideas that you’ve been carrying in your heart for years.
Write them down, start planning how you are going to take action beginning today. Right now, this very second, instead of listening to what someone else has stepped out and tried to do, like I am with this podcast, like switch it off, press stop right now. I really mean it. Yeah. Press stop, stop making excuses, and particularly and especially if God has told you to do something, if you feel as though the Holy Ghost has planted something in your heart to do, get to it.
Well, thanks for listening, hopefully. It’s been an encouragement to you today, if you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at Have a great day.