Our God is the Creative Genius!
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Today, I want to talk about something that is very, very close to my heart, something that’s been a lifelong kind of obsession, if you like, or certainly most of my life, and and tie it in with what I believe is the number one daily discipline that will explode your creativity and your prosperity in whatever realm of life you’re kind of reaching into. And I’d love to begin with a scripture from you. And I’m reading this from the promise.
Translation. Yeah, Psalm, a verse three says, Look at the splendour of your skies, your creative genius glowing in the heavens when I gaze at your moon and your stars mounted like jewels in their settings. I know that you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all. Therefore, beautiful. What a beautiful translation of those words. And, you know, we know that when we look at the natural world, it speaks of the supernatural nature of the one.
He brought it all into existence. Every leaf, every blade, every dewdrop has its own song that it sings back to its creator. Nature’s voice carries the echoes of heaven. And when we look at the scriptures, tell us when we read in Romans Chapter one that all of nature speaks of the one who made it creation speaks of the creator. And, you know, just the rain on a blustery afternoon recognises its maker and splashes praise the mountains and the hills boom with declarations of his grandeur and his awesomeness.
Our God is a creative genius. More than that, actually, he is the creative genius. I believe that creativity flows from him, that he is the source of every good thing, every good thought, everything that is noble and worthy and majestic and beautiful and winsome and praiseworthy in this world is something that has found its inception in his heart and then flowed out into and through and others, his people. And there’s all sorts of debate.
About the existence of life on other planets and whatever else, is there, extraterrestrial intelligence? Well, I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever there is. And I’m not talking about little green men running around on Mars or Jupiter. I’m talking about this being the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the angelic hosts that surround them. There is life beyond and outside of this planet and beyond this realm. But they’ve come to dwell with the people that they made.
And and you, as the daughter of this creative genius or the son of this creative genius stamped with that same nature and that same divinity, you bear his image. I like humanity is actually the personification of his ultimate act of creative joy you had. You are the pinnacle of his creation, the purpose of everything else that exists. You know, some people kind of choke on the idea that this little green and blue ball in the vast expanse of space could.
How could that possibly be the focus of the God who made it all? How could everything centre around this tiny little planet and the tiny little people up on it? But when you understand the worth of an individual life, when you recognise that they are created, we are created in the image of the very God who brought things into existence. It is not too much of a stretch to believe that the vast expanses that when God that, as the scriptures describe it, garnished the heavens with the stars and the planets.
He did it just for his own sheer pleasure and the pleasure of the ones that he placed on this planet in every single molecule of creation vibrates with the father’s love and creativity. Every atom spends its day whirling and twirling and rejoicing in his wonder. You know, these are some other words, like from from the scriptures. Look at the heavens. David says they declare his glory, see the skies and hear them speak. Follow the sun as it dances through the day and marvel at the moon as it croons in the night.
Every molecule vibrates with fathers creativity. Like I say, this is our DNA. He is daddy. This brother and sister is their heritage of creative expression and boundless imagination that we are partakers of. David continues in Psalm nineteen and he says The law of the Lord is perfect. Converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right. Rejoicing the heart. The Commandment of the Lord is pure and lightning.
The eyes, the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired. Are they than gold? Yes, than much. Find gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. God’s voice, my friends, is heard with every brush of his mighty hand across the heavens and the Earth, but it is finely focussed and perfectly heard in his word in the scriptures. This is where his son Jesus speaks the loudest.
And we as artists, as entrepreneurs, writers, authors, creative creatives, absolutely must make his word a central part of our creative life on Earth. You know, the Bible must feature right there in our daily routines because it’s here that the essential oil of creative power and life is boiled down to its essence. And then we bottle it for consumption. We make things that others can recognise his voice and his words speaking through. You know, Jesus said this in John Chapter six or 63.
He said, My words are spirit and they are life. The words of scripture, you know, they’re more than marks on a page, greater than just principles that furnish a religious life. His words are more than all of this. They actually contain his life. They express his life. They are living expressions of the divine life of God. His creative nature, his creative power, lives and breathes and throbs in and through the words in this book and like that, the wonder of it, if that’s not a wonder enough, these infallible words, this beauty, this perfection was actually accomplished through imperfect human vessels.
He inspired every single word and those words as they went onto those pages and spilt onto those pages when they were originally penned were went there under the inspiration and the guidance of the Holy Spirit without any error. The scriptures, again, let’s look, I mean, I just I find the scriptures just invigorate my heart in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life.
And the life was the light of man. Oh, I love Morrocco. Let me hear all about she Kinkella, Makoko Malaby I mean COCOM Batla. Yes, he is the light of man and through him all things were made and made a John 1:14. The word became flesh and blood and this is in the message. Translation The word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. He is here with us right now. There is no other practice, there’s no other discipline that will feed your creativity more than falling in love with the word of God.
Seek it out, write it down, speak it, sing it, rub it all over. Make it front, left, right and centre of your focus and your pursuit. Love it like you love the one who lives and breathes those words and spills from its pages into your spirit. Well, thanks for listening, hopefully. It’s been an encouragement to you today, if you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at David Lee.martin.com.
Have a great day.