How many unsung songs have been heard only by four lonely walls?How many pictures unhung, or poems consigned to the pages of a dog-eared notepad?
Do not these fragrant petals of creativity deserve their day in the sunlight where they can fulfil their purpose and be heard, seen, and appreciated?
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When it comes to sharing our creative ideas and our creative work with others, it’s very easy to allow fear to jump in the driving seat and prevent us from stepping out and said today, I just want to share five really important and I believe. Sure. Reasons to like, prompt, provoke and courage inspire you to overcome your fear of rejection and share your creativity with the world. I mean, it really is a sad thing to think of the many unsung songs that have only been heard within four walls or how many pitches remain unsung or poems that have been consigned to the pages of some dog-eared notepad.
Not that there’s not value in that, just simply enjoying our creativity for creativity sake, but really so much of what is made, so much of what is written, so much of what is developed created, that kind of children of our hard really do deserve that day in the light where they can fulfil really the ultimate purpose and be heard, seen and appreciated by others. And, you know, just thinking about some of the reasons that often we allow our fears to dictate and either cause us to keep our creativity close to our chest and and like hold our babies, like hidden away from the world or indeed at even a step further back from that never actually step out on that creativity in the first place.
And so, you know, I think that one of the biggest ones is that we really do fear rejection. And, of course, we can all understand what that feels like. You know, like that that shadow of rejection looms over our shoulder every time we go to hit that publish button. I can understand that. I can totally relate to that. Do you know fear of rejection is a crippling thing, but really because as soon as our creativity is uncaged and out in the wild, we really do become open targets for opinion.
And everyone like my pastor used to say, opinions are a lot like armpits. We all have them and most of them stink. You know, opinions sometimes can sting and we all have a few bruises to show for it. But it really shouldn’t allow us to continue to step out. Don’t allow a few naysayers to shut you down. You know, you are really unique. And there is an expression that needs to be brought to the world that only you can bring.
And really, whatever it is you carry on the inside that the Holy Ghost has planted, it does deserve to be heard. Your father created you with a voice, and it’s one just as significant and worthy of attention as anyone else’s. And so here are the five reasons that I think can help you wrestle those fears to the ground and kick them into touch and just help you kind of maybe get over some of the reluctance that that you might sense on the inside.
No. One, we only live once and we’ll either live boldly or we’ll live with regrets. There’s not a lot of in between. Every day is a decision that will determine your tomorrow and even beyond your tomorrow. And we’ll talk about that in a moment. And the longer you procrastinate, the further away your dreams become until eventually you’re safe. They are so far in the distance that, you know, the likelihood is that many people actually just give up on ever reaching them.
So take a step today to I mean, really, you only live once and at the really at the end when it all comes down to it, what have we got to lose? Right. That chapter penned that song. Learn that skill, have that conversation, whatever it may be, do the thing that’s going to move you toward fulfilment. And if the idea of it doing it scares you, it might just be an indication that it’s the very thing that you need to step out and actually do.
And I could say do it without fear. That’s probably not going to happen. But do it despite the fear. Do it anyways. Number two, you know, we’ve got to understand that in not making moves towards sharing what we bring and what we carry, we’re not only robbing ourself of the joy of actually stepping into the. That creative destiny, but we also steal from everyone else, you know, in a sense, not stepping out is the most selfish vanity of all.
Sometimes we can fall for the lie that it’s just vain and proud to step out and share what you have, because, like, really, who are you? Who am I? But at the end of the day, really, it’s pride that keeps us kind of hidden. You know, we want to realise our gifts and talents. We want to really realise them because our father has placed them within us to bless other people. And so, really, who are we to withhold that gift that he wants to bring to the world and to even worse, to do so in the name of modesty or humility?
You know, the humblest act that we can take, really, is to act from our inner man really faithfully to bring our entire self to the table of humanity and say, hey, this is who I am. This is who God made me. This is what God’s given me. Let me share it with you right now. You know, your words may be the very ones that are going to feed some weary soul on their journey. You know, your song might be the tune that lifts and heals a broken heart somewhere in the world that you might design the image that inspires someone out of hopelessness to believe for a new day.
So don’t rob the world of what you have to offer and really what you have to offer. Ultimately, the greatest gift that you bring is yourself. The third reason I think that we that that certainly provokes me to think about this and to continue to step out despite setbacks and disappointments and all else that comes with this creative life is when I think of the alternative, not sharing our creativity, the world with the world. You know, thinking of the Dead Sea.
My wife and I actually fell in love when we were on a trip to Israel with a group from our church. And it was very, very romantic, really. But we as part of that trip, we all went down to the Dead Sea. And as you may have seen in the Dead Sea, you can kind of wade in and float on top of the Dead Sea because it’s so full of salt. Now, the reason that the sea is called the Dead Sea is that, like, nothing can live in there because the water flows into the sea basin but has no way to flow back out.
And we in a similar way, designed by by our father in heaven to be a creator, not just a consumer. We can’t be one that just has an inflow without some kind of outflow that causes that just brings life that life cycle into play, you know. And so always receiving and never giving is essentially a slow death. You know, sharing is the pathway to abundance give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over in and say laying it all on the line and making yourself vulnerable in this way is scary.
But the alternative is a slow, painful death of the dreams and hopes that we carry is really far more painful in the long run than the smart that you might feel if someone like doesn’t like what you create. And, you know, again, we’ve all been there. You know, we’ve put our art out there and into a degree it’s been trampled or even worse, ignored. We’ve been maybe misunderstood or maligned. We’ve been mangled by our own insecurities.
But each time, you know, we get back up and we get stronger and keep sharing, keep putting it out there, keep just generously bringing yourself to the table and letting others kind of benefit from that, you know, and all say, you know, number four is that every action is a stepping stone to the next and the next and the one after that. You know, I’ve often coined the phrase really that the journey is the destination and oftentimes God is not so much interested in us reaching some pinnacle of success or perfection.
He’s in he is interested in our character, been honed with the steps that we take in the journey. And if we can grasp this truth that the journey is really the destination, you know, that’s success and failure are just too complementary. Threads that build this rich tapestry of character will be less inclined to spend all of our time. Lamenting the mess ups that we made yesterday or yearning for tomorrow’s kind of uncertain victory, we’ll understand that God is actually working on me right now as I walk, as I do.
And so living in that, the immediacy, the freedom of the moment, shielded by God’s grace and ready to build that bridge to our future by acting today is an exciting place to be. And you know what you are doing, what you are doing today because you fought yesterday’s battles and one, you’re still standing because you have because you are an overcomer, because you are a victor. And, you know, whatever fear came and taunted you to an action like back there and you acted any ways, you know, when insecurity came and put you in a headlock and you shook it off and said, no way, I’m not going to listen to your lies.
You know, all of those footprints, however kind of painful they were, have led you here and your father was with you all the way. And he’s with you right now, too. And so I just encourage him. And don’t don’t discount some of the steps that led you here, even if they were seeming failures. You know, and I’ve got a good stock of them, like in my covid, you know, I’ve got a good stock of, like, things that I can say, well, I tried and it didn’t quite work the way I’d hoped, but many of those didn’t work as I’d hoped and led to some of the things that did work.
And number five, and for me, this is such an important one, leaving a legacy is so much more important than our business really often allows us to ponder. We get so busy that we see our life in this kind of tiny little sphere of activity just trying to get by. And in it, we forget to think not just about our immediate circumstances, but the mark that we will leave for future generations and say like pondering our mortality, not in a not in a kind of macabre way, not in a not in a depressive way, but recognising that we just have a short time on the planet and that we really want to make a mark.
Yes. In this life, but also leave a legacy for those who will come after us. And, you know, we’re all benefiting from many of the things that others have left after they left the planet for their next for the next chapter in their journey. And, you know, you’re unique. You there’s never going to be someone else walk the earth like you. And when you exit planet planet Earth, there’s no one else going to come and fill that hole because it’s a U.
Shaped hole that we will be left, you know, and that what we leave behind, you know, and I understand that there are some intangibles here, that there are the relationships that we’ve built, the lives that we’ve impacted just by our presence, all of that. But there can also be, you know, some very tangible, tangible legacies that we leave, books that we’ve written, things that we’ve created, songs that we’ve written, songs that we’ve sung, websites that we’ve built, whatever it may be, businesses that we’ve kind of developed.
There are also there are so many ways in which we can leave a positive legacy for those who come after us. You know, long after you are gone, your legacy will speak for you. You are precious, you are unique. And I just urge you today, don’t let fear put a ring through your snout and tuck you through a life of quiet despair. You know, tear yourself free and be bold today to share your creative ideas with the world, you know?
And as you take that journey, be willing to share kind of the imperfect steps that you take as you move towards whatever destination it is you have imagined for yourself. Don’t wait until you get there before you begin to invite others to walk with you in. All that’s gone before has brought you here and all that you do today will take you there. So, you know, maybe you need to hear these words today. Maybe you don’t. I know I do.
I need encouragement almost every day to just keep putting my heart out there on the table to seek to help other people. And so I hope this has helped you today. God bless you. And, yeah, do do you feel free to subscribe if you’ve listened and enjoyed today’s episode and yet I look forward to speaking with you again tomorrow. God bless you. Well, thanks for listening. Hopefully it’s been an encouragement to you today. If you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at
Have a great day.