Commence. CHECK!
Continue. CHECK!
Each stage of development, whether natural or spiritual, has inherent dangers.
Unfortunately, the Complete stage can be a falling-off point.
I’m guilty of this. Speaking with a friend this week, I confessed a recurring creativity sin. I throw myself all in making and creating, then fail to follow through once it’s completed.
I shape something to serve, then fail to sell.
I don’t think I’m the only one.
Take your creations seriously. Respect your readers, listeners, and audience enough to keep the engine running long past the finish line.
Once made, make sure you make ways for people to benefit from your genius.
I’m not talking about being salesy or sleazy, but for sure don’t be ashamed.
What you’ve made deserves the same attention once it’s complete as it enjoyed on the road to completion.
Maybe we should change commence-continue-complete to…
and the fourth important factor…
Let’s face it. Shipping is scary. That’s why many people get the finish line writing their book or creating their course, only to let it languish on a harddrive.
This is where you go public and your ideas are tested in the real world.
The reality is, that some work, some don’t. But without shipping you’ll never know.
Make certain you ship your work!
Ask the Holy Ghost for strategies to go to market. Don’t be afraid to stand in the streets and marketplaces together with Wisdom and share your value.
“Listen! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and market places, calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together…” (Proverbs 1:20 GNBUK)