As you know, I carry two passions, Christ and creativity.
Having the Creator in us is still something that fascinates me every day. Not a moment goes by without awe. Father, Son and Holy Ghost are beyond all comprehension, yet here they are, making their home with us.
On a relational and practical level, my dual delight plays out as prayer and productivity.
Productivity because the voluminous Person of God cannot be held back. All of that creative fire has to find its way out somehow!
Prayer because having a heavenly companion that you never talk to is kind of crazy in the highest order. Here He is, waiting.
As the Scriptures say,
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.” (2 Corinthians 13:14 KJV)
That sentence ends with an “Amen”.
Amen indicates your agreement.
Have you agreed to “commune with the Holy Ghost”?

PS: Here’s a little extra for the hungry ones…
That word “communion” is a diamond word!
Here are some of the facets I invite you to explore.
The Greek word is “koinonia”. It means partnership, (literally) participation, fellowship or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction
Participation, we get to work with Him, and fellowship, we get to walk with Him. I often talk about these two sides of the relationship we enjoy with God.
I also love the idea that we socially interact with the Godhead. Seriously, right there is a truth that should leave your mind blown and get you running to the prayer closet.
But “pecuniary benefaction”? What does that mean?
I had to look up the word “pecuniary” in the dictionary. Check this, it means “relating to or consisting of money.”
Your fellowship with Him includes the wisdom required to generate wealth.
All that remains is for you to add your “Amen” and then explore that truth a little deeper.
I might open up a workshop opportunity about this, because I have found it’s true. I just love when something is revealed in Scripture that confirms experience. Thank you, Jesus!