Once upon a time, there was a man called David.
In the year 2025, something occurred that changed David’s life forever.
The occurrence at the time, though seismic in proportion, was not seen or felt by those around him, but the aftershocks changed the world and no one could deny something remarkable had taken place.
What was the world-shaking event? Many have asked that question in the years that followed.
He finally decided to quit worrying.
He decided to live simply, and simply live.
To share the journey with others.
And always look for ways to help and strengthen his fellow travellers.
- To take 100% responsibility for his present situation,
- evaluate and give consideration to his trajectory,
- prayerfully consider any changes he needed to make to direct his life according to the deepest and most cherished convictions of his heart.
- He was mindful that God had given him agency to change and do things differently if he wanted to.
- All the while entrusting the outcomes to God.
That pivotal year became the year his liberty grew wings, and his words took flight to the far corners of the world.
Wow, what a story that man had to tell!
Sometimes, the simplest decisions have the greatest impact.
Looking back, do you remember 2025? What decisions did you make way back then that led to the life you now enjoy?
PS: I had the opportunity to interview David a few months ago, in January 2035, where he shares from his heart the most powerful insights that have affected his ten-year journey since those days in 2025.