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Blog Your Book
A writer writes. Right? That’s what makes them a writer. Not the intention, or the dream, but the down and dirty daily discipline of bum-in-chair pounding the keys and producing words on the page. But writing a book can seem…
Is It Time To Write Your Book?
Book buying and book reading habits have changed dramatically in the past decade. Gone are the days of judging a book by the fatness of its spine. Whether it’s 45 pages or 450, a book can be a life changer,…
Vehicles of Value – Transferring and Transforming Other’s Lives With Your Know How
I’ve had some bombs when it comes to cars. There used to be guy who lived over the road from me, and whenever one car of mine gave up the ghost, I’d be knocking on his door for another poor…
Monetize Your Value
The worth journey so far has taken us from recognising, to crystallising and now onto monetising. How can we monetise what we know and actually transform all of that inner gold into some outer wealth? This is where digitizing your…
Don’t Become a “What If Widow” – Crystallize Your Value!
The crystallising of value is a key factor in becoming successful as an online trainer or coach. It’s very difficult to sell or share something that lives in your head or on your hard drive and never takes the next…