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Shameless Persistence Pays Off
It was close to harassment. I wanted it so bad I simply could not take no for an answer. The implications of failure were just too great, and whatever changes were required I was ready to make them. Such shameless…
Inhabit Your Choices Fully & Fearlessly
20 years ago I made a choice that I have inhabited ever since. Not only has the decision affected direction, it has shaped my identity inside and out. The day I made the choice to follow Christ was a bridge-burning…
Uncoupling From Outcomes – What Results Really Matter?
There are things you can control, and others you cannot. Outcomes are not under your jurisdiction, however much you would like it to be otherwise. When we ship creative work, and by that I simply mean make our creations public,…
Where are you building your house?
Where are you building your house? Nowadays the most valuable property is not always brick-n-mortar – it is an idea inhabited and realized in the virtual world. My advice? Start the work today. Continue construction. Build something beautiful that others…
So what should I do?
Should I boast in my success like I won it myself, or big up the King who cleared the way? Should I blaze my name for men to applaud, or magnify the majesty and throw down my crowns. Should I…