“Lord, I have chosen you alone as my inheritance.
You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.
I leave my destiny and it’s timing in your hands.”
Psalm 16:5, Passion
We are family members. Only family members qualify for inheritance, and ours has been freely and abundantly given through Jesus. He died to secure our place and bring the inheritance document into force, then rose to ensure the will and testament is enacted in our lives. Jesus truly is amazing!
How many can say that they are both the giver and the gift?
He is all in all. The best thing is, we get to choose the One who chose us first, with no fear of rejection. He put everything on the line to claim you as His own. And now we choose Him daily as we enjoy the inheritance he has secured for us.
He is our prize, our pleasure and our portion. No one can take that from us. It was never earned or deserved. God’s grace and forgiveness is given in full to those who follow, with no other condition other than the receiving of it.

We receive through faith. It is not a complex transaction or something we must perform spiritual gymnastics to accomplish. A humble open palm, empty of self and ready to receive is the only qualification.
“I am empty, Lord. Not in a rush, although too many times I have pushed for my own way. Destiny, and it’s timing, is in your care. Your plans are pleasure to me, and the prize of your presence in my daily life is above rubies. Money comes, money goes, but you remain. Time arrives and slips away, but you inhabit eternity. When I come to you I step out of limitations and stand in realms without boundaries. My bottom line is marked by your abundance. I love you, and take pleasure in worshipping you today, Papa. My heart swells with pride to know I belong to you. That you have called me your own is the accolade and medal that I wear. My inheritance, my sustenance, my wonderful parent. In your hands I am safely delivered, walking paths that you have prepared and peppered with delight and surprise.”
“My child, I chose you not because I had to, but because I wanted to. You are precious to me, and you are the prize I sought and secured. Like the man who discovered treasure in the field and sold all that he had to purchase that field and the rich deposit hidden within, so I paid the full price for your salvation. A salvation that ushers you seamlessly into my good graces and abundant provision. My heart, child, is to bring those rich deposits that I have planted in your heart to the surface. To see you grow and become a fruitful bough in my garden, with all of your uniqueness on display. Trust me, and I will surely bring it to pass.”