This is a DON’T STOP NOW moment. As you read these words you may feel cued up to give up. I get it. I’ve been there plenty and its an unpleasant place to stay.
So choose not to stay there.
Let’s not camp around the idea that something won’t work. Don’t pitch your tent around the fire of discouragement and despondency. Self pity won’t warm your fingers to write, play, or paint again.
These simple words are powerful:
“The LORD is on my side” (Psalm 118:6 KJV)
You are not alone, even if sometimes it feels that way. Your Father is here with you, fighting your battles and championing your cause.
Judges 3:1 speaks of how God deliberately left resistance in the land to test, prove, and train the people who had not yet experienced war.
Each generation, indeed every individual, have their battles to fight.
God did not allow enemies to stand in the way of His promise to slay His people, He left them there to shape them.
He has chosen you for this time, because you have all that’s required to stand on the victory’s podium.
The wonderful thing is victory is different for each of us. Our commission and assignment as given by Papa is unique to our own personality and call.
No one else can push you from your podium (if such a thing existed). One person’s win is not another person’s failure. Our Daddy does not play favourites. He knows the very thing that will delight your soul, and is seeking to bring you in.
I look at times at the fanfare and circus of online life and find myself feeding on the fallacy that success looks a certain way.
Friend, let’s shed that lie and seek to discover the liberating truth that God is very much in control, and leading us to our own portion. Your place in His KIngdom enterprise is ringfenced. He has numbered your hairs, bottled your tears, and stepped out your future with His own feet.
I love these verses from the Amplified Bible. The context is slightly different, but the principle is present and powerful, and very applicable to our own call to walk in His ways:
“And He has given Him authority and granted Him power to execute…” (John 5:27 AMP)
You have authority and power to execute. To do the things He has spoken and called you to do.
- Carry out
- Perform
- Accomplish
- Implement
- Affect
- Bring off
- Bring about
- Achieve
- Carry off
- Carry through
- Complete
- Enact
- Enforce
- Put into effect
- Put into practice
- Do
- Engineer
- Attain
- Administer
- To Realise
- To Perform
- To Pull off
Execute also means to Kill. To slay those things that stand in your way and prevent you moving forward toward fulfilment.
Your Father’s bidding is the only endorsement you need to step out and make a difference. His will makes way.
I will quote this scripture in full but want afterwards to highlight just a couple of things worth pondering.
“I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord—but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. Even as I hear, I judge [I decide as I am bidden to decide. As the voice comes to Me, so I give a decision], and My judgment is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will [I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself, My own aim, My own purpose] but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.” (John 5:30 AMP)
“I am taught by God…”
“I get His orders…”
“Even as I hear…”
“As the Voice comes to me…”
“…the will and pleasure of the Father who sent me.”
Don’t let naysay halt your progress.
Don’t allow fear to freeze your feet.
You are taught of God. He gives you His orders and directions each day. You hear Him, and His Voice comes to you. You are walking in the will and the pleasure of your Father who has sent you.
He has commissioned you with a creative call to bless the world.
Execute the lie that your efforts are futile.
Crush the devil’s grimy skull under the foot of peace.
Rise with confidence and take one more swipe. The authority and power to execute will be in your hands and feet as you do so.